WiFi is one of the most frequently used technologies daily. Everyone relies on WiFi to get through the day. Whether using a mobile phone or a computer, you’re likely using WiFi at some point. However, just because it’s the most frequently used method for connecting, doesn’t mean it’s the best. It does have several cons to be aware of when looking at options. Below, you will find some of the key advantages of WiFi.
One of the major advantages of WiFi is its portability aspect. WiFi is inherently portable because it’s wireless. You won’t find wired technology and backend solutions offering the same flexibility and portability. WiFi is something that can be used while travelling.
You don’t need to worry about wired connections as they generally won’t be available to use in hotels and other accommodations. This is where WiFi comes in and provides a solution to your needs. It delivers a connection without using wires making it much more accessible.
It’s Easy
Another advantage that comes with WiFi is the fact that it’s so easy to use. Wireless Internet comes without hassle. With a wire, you have to worry about having a wire plugged in at all times. You need to have multiple cables sitting around and tying you to the desk. With WiFi, you skip the wires and the convoluted connections.
Likewise, it makes doing other things very easy. With WiFi, you can share files seamlessly with your friends on the same network. You don’t have to worry about connecting LAN ports or doing anything with a hardwired solution.
It Supports Multiple Connections
When you are using WiFi, you can connect to a lot of different devices simultaneously. This allows you to connect all of your favourite devices. With hardwired solutions, you generally have a limit to the number of devices you can connect. This can keep you from connecting as many devices as you want. While there are solutions to enable more connections with a hardwired approach, they cost money and require more of a setup. Different fields tend to have their own networking wifi. For example, schools will have an education networking wifi.
Fewer Issues
With WiFi, you don’t have to worry about getting everything set up. Once you set up the primary network and possibly the guest network, you can be on your way to using the Internet wherever your signal reaches. You don’t need to worry about plugging in cables, adapters, or anything else.
Better Compatibility
When you are using WiFi, you will find that it’s a universal standard. Because of this, you don’t run into the same compatibility issues that you may run into when you are going for a wired solution. You will find a lot more compatibility problems when running a wired setup because not everything will have the same connectors.
For instance, when you are looking to connect with a printer, you’ll need a USB cable. When you have a wireless network deployed, you can print over WiFi without needing a physical cable.
Better Opportunities
You have a lot more opportunities when it comes to using wireless networks. It also helps develop and manufacturing companies come up with new devices and solutions that wouldn’t have the same accessibility or features as a wired approach. For instance, wireless security cameras, wireless VR gaming, and more.